Activity-Based Costing Method Application Activity in Determining the Production Cost of Aluminum Ships in the Small Shipyard Industry


  • Imamul Choir Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty of Engineering and Marine Science, Universitas Hang Tuah, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
  • Intan Baroroh Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty of Engineering and Marine Sciences, Universitas Hang Tuah, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia



Production Cost, Activity-based Costing, Aluminum Ships


In the ship production process, each construction component has a price value that will be taken into account how much raw material costs, labor costs, and other costs will be incurred, producing the finished product of a ship. This study aims to determine the calculation of the Production Cost of aluminum boats using the application of activity-based costing methods. As well as to find out the comparison of the calculation of the Production Cost of aluminum ships with traditional system methods and activity-based costing. At the data analysis stage, this study uses the activity-based costing method. The end result of this study is in the form of data from the results of data analysis from the application of the activity-based costing method, the advantages and disadvantages obtained while using this method. Based on the research results it can be concluded that by using the activity-based costing method, the company will get a positive impact in calculating the Production Cost in imposing factory overhead costs on each product.

Author Biographies

Imamul Choir, Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty of Engineering and Marine Science, Universitas Hang Tuah, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia





Intan Baroroh, Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty of Engineering and Marine Sciences, Universitas Hang Tuah, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia





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How to Cite

Imamul Choir, & Intan Baroroh. (2023). Activity-Based Costing Method Application Activity in Determining the Production Cost of Aluminum Ships in the Small Shipyard Industry. BAITA Engineering: Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, 1(1), 28–35.


