Planning for Utilization of Sea Water Flow Systems as a Source of Electrical Energy on 6500 DWT Tankers
CFD, Flow Seawater, Power, Turbine, Tanker ShipAbstract
The study aims to design a system that utilizes the flow of seawater as a source of electrical energy and determine the power generated from the turbine in the seawater flow utilization system. The system is designed using two models with the same specifications, each with an inlet cross-sectional area of 0.12 m2. The Francis turbine, with a turbine height specification of 0.3 m and a diameter of 0.576 m, is used to rotate the turbine blades, which can then be used to turn a generator to produce electricity for the power needs of a 6500 DWT tanker. The flow rate results show that the highest speed in the envelope of the seawater flow utilization system is 4,820 m/s with a water discharge of 0,578 m3/s. The power generated from one turbine from the system is 5,508 kW, while the electrical power generated is 4,710 kW. The computational fluid dynamic (CFD) method will be used to examine the velocity of fluid flow passing through the envelope of the seawater flow utilization system.
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