Author Guidelines

Please prepare your work for submission by following the instructions in our submission template (DOCX). Please keep in mind that the submission will be subject to a blind review procedure. As a result, NO AUTHOR information should be included in the submitted file. After the blind-review procedure is completed, the author information will be added.


The introduction section is written in Book Antiqua font size 11 pts and one space and contains a description of the background, problems, research context, results of the literature review (presentation of relevant theories, concepts, and research results and books that discuss subjects or theoretical approaches that have been carried out by researchers beforehand), objectives, and benefits (if any).

Baita Engineering: Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering is an open access and peer-reviewed scientific publication journal twice a year, namely July and December, which is published periodically by the Faculty of Engineering and Marine Sciences, Hang Tuah University Surabaya. Articles that have been approved for publication have been reviewed by reviewers and are free to download via our website, namely:

Baita Engineering Editor: Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering accepts scientific articles in the form of research articles and conceptual scientific articles that have never been published before in the fields of Marine Engineering and Engineering, Ship Engineering, Marine and Marine Transportation, focus and scope of scientific publication Baita Engineering as follows:

  1. Ship Design and Production (Ship Design & Production)
  2. Ship Hydrodynamics
  3. Ship Machinery (Marine Engineering)
  4. Ship Propulsion System
  5. Ship Construction & Strength
  6. Material Technology and Ship Welding (Ship Material & Welding Technology)
  7. Ship Maintenance & Repairing
  8. Sea Transportation
  9. Computer Aided Ship Design

Scientific articles can be written in English, for scientific articles the results of research contain: title, author's name, abstract, introduction, methods, results and language, conclusions, acknowledgments (if any), bibliography. While scientific literature review articles contain: title, author's name, abstract, introduction, some necessary sub-headings (explanation, assumptions, comparisons), conclusion, acknowledgments (if any), bibliography.


The method section is written in Book Antiqua font size 11 pts and one space, contains a description/explanation of the location and time of the research, type of research, research design (materials, tools, methods), data sources, data collection techniques, and data analysis carried out on the research.

  • Figure

Figure layout, Figure number and Figure name in the middle of one page cannot be separated/separated with the picture number in bold. The Figure title is written in Book Antiqua font size 11 pts. presentation of the image as in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Logo of the Faculty of Engineering and Marine Sciences, Hang Tuah University, Surabaya

  • Table

Table presentation is written in Book Antiqua font size 11 pts. The table layout, table numbers and table names are aligned left on one page and cannot be separated/separated with the table numbers in bold, the table presentation is as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. FTA at all nodes


Failure Rate






1 – Discharge






2 - Transfer






3 - Receiving






  • Equation

Equation presentation using Equation Typing, for example Microsoft Equation or MathType Equation, is written in the middle, right-aligned equation number, and equation description below it, presented as Eq. 1.





The results and discussion section are written in Book Antiqua font size 11 pts and one space, contains a description that explains the results and discussion, especially in answering research problems, how research is done to solve problems. In addition, the results and discussion section must explain and discuss the results obtained and compare them with references, theories or previous similar research results. Results and discussion can also be in the form of pictures, tables or others accompanied by a complete and clear explanatory description.

  • Sub-Section 1

Sub-section 1 is written in Book Antiqua font size 11 pts and one spaced, contains a description/explanation of sub-results of discussion 1.

  • Sub-sub-section 1

Sub-sub-section 1 is written in Book Antiqua font size 11 pts, single-spaced and italic, contains descriptions/explanations of sub-sub-results of discussion 1.

  • Sub-sub-section 2

Sub-sub-section 2 is written in Book Antiqua font size 11 pts, single-spaced dan contains descriptions/explanations of sub-sub-results of discussion 2.

  • Sub-Section 2

Sub-section 2 is written in Book Antiqua font size 11 pts and one spaced, contains a description/explanation of sub-results of discussion 2.

  • Sub-sub-section 1

Sub-sub-section 1 is written in Book Antiqua font size 11 pts, single-spaced and italic, contains descriptions/explanations of sub-sub-results of discussion 1.

  • Sub-sub-section 2

Sub-sub-section 2 is written in Book Antiqua font size 11 pts, single-spaced dan contains descriptions/explanations of sub-sub-results of discussion 2.


The conclusion section is written in Book Antiqua font size 11 pts and one space, contains a summary of research findings in the form of answers to research problems that are in accordance with the results of the analysis or in the form of the essence of the results of the discussion presented in paragraph form (without using numbering).


The acknowledgments is written in Book Antiqua font size 11 pts and one space, contains a description/explanation of acknowledgments addressed to parties (agencies, laboratories, etc.) who directly assisted in the research conducted.


Reference lists must be prepared according to the APA citation style guidelines. Further details on how to write your reference list can be found at: or you can use a reference writing tool, for example Mendeley, Zotero, and so on

For Example :

Akbar,kk T.A., Dinariyana, A.A.B., Baheramsyah, A., (2018). Risk Assessment on Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) handling Facility, Case Study: Terminal LPG Semarang. Proceeding Indonesia Malaysia Research Consortium. Surabaya: Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. 21-22 November.

Artana, K.B., Dinariyana, A.A.B., Ariana I Made, Sambodho, K. (2013). Penilaian Risiko Pipa Gas Bawah Laut. Surabaya: Guna Widya. pp.23-29

British Standard. (2001). BS IEC 61882 Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP Studies)-Application Guide.

Campbell, K., Zimmerman, J. (2018). Five People Taken to Hospital Following Ammonia Leak in Kwinana, (Online), (accessed: 30 Mei 2019).

Dedy Wanda Putra. 2019. Thesis: Social Risk Measurement at LPG Production Plant, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. Surabaya

Dinariyana, A.A.B., Artana, K.B., Sambodho, K., Ariana, I Made. 2013. Risk Assessment on Subsea Gas Pipeline Located at Jetty Area due to Dredging and Operation After Dredging. Proceedings of the ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2013). Nantes France, 9-14 June.